
Beyond my background in journalism, I have taken courses in voice over acting and I have represented community and educational organizations on radio programs, in newspapers, and in videos. I have also presented my original research at national and international conferences and have been a guest on several podcasts and blogs. Here are a few of my media and public speaking appearances as well as my voice over demo reel.

Voice Over

My voice over work is best suited for projects that require a confident and assertive female voice such as real estate commercials, the promotion of government initiatives, and corporate engagements.

Listen to my voice over demo reel here

Academic Conferences & Speaking Engagements

Classical Association Canada Conference
Use Your Skills: Alt-Ac Pathways for Students of the Ancient World

(Western University, 2022)
I was invited by the CAC Graduate Student Caucus to give a presentation on alt-ac careers. Couched in a conversational tone, my talk, “So You Want to be a Corporate Sell Out: Three Tips for Making It in the Real World,” provided unvarnished advice on the private sector job market.
Watch the presentation

York University Classical Students Alumni Network
(Toronto, 2022)
I was invited to speak as part of the alumni association’s career night, where I shared my alt-academic story and mentored students on career next steps.

149th Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting
(Boston, 2018)
The major conference in the field, I presented my research on the social demography of curse tablets in Germany.
View Abstract

European Society for the Study of Western Esoterisim (ESSWE 6)
(Erfurt, 2018)
In addition to co-chairing two panels at the conference, I presented my research on curse tablets in Germany and the impact of spatial considerations on their interpretation.

CLARE Conference (University of Calgary)
(Calgary, 2016)
I presented award-winning research on religious rhetoric in the works of Roman historian Tacitus.

Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
(Ottawa, 2015)
As part of the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, I presented original research on an ancient Greek manuscript which I translated and contextualized within its larger literary milieu. (With Professor Tony Burke)
View Abstract

Association for the Study of Esotericism, Fifth International Conference
(New York, 2014)
As part of a discussion on contemporary spirituality, I presented my research on the intersection of rhetorics of alterity and Fin de siècle literature.

ESSWE Sub-group Roundtable
(Sweden, 2013)
As director of the NSEA, I spoke at this round table about the challenges of getting an academic organization off the ground and what we had to offer the scholarly community.

Academic Podcast & Media Appearances

Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast
(England, 2017)
The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast is a podcast which features interviews with the top scholars of the ancient world. I appeared on the show to talk about my work on cursing practices in antiquity.
“Curses! Sarah Veale on the Cult of Magna Mater and Ancient Curse-Tablets”
“Beyond Curse Tablets with Sarah Veale ”

York University Classical Studies Department
(York University, Canada, 2014)
I acted as a spokesperson for the Classical Studies department. This included filming a promotional video and appearing on the departmental website.
Promotional Video

Feature in an Academic Society Newsletter
(Societas Magica, Spring 2013)
My academic research blog, Invocatio, was featured in the newsletter of this academic organization as an example of how digital media contributes to academic scholarship.
View the
newsletter here

Popular Podcast Appearances

MillernTon Podcast
(Hamburg, Germany, 2019–2021)
The MillernTon podcast is a podcast produced by fans of the German soccer Team, FC St. Pauli. On several occasions, I have appeared as a guest expert on their opposing team, FC Heidenheim.
“MillernTon meets – Saisonvorschau Teil 5”
(July 18, 2021)
“Nach dem Spiel: 1. FC Heidenheim (A) – 11.Spieltag – Saison 2019/2020” (October 28, 2019)
“Vor dem Spiel: 1. FC Heidenheim (A) – Spieltag 11 – Saison 2019/2020”
(October 25, 2019)
“Nach dem Spiel: 1. FC Heidenheim (A) – Spieltag 30 – Saison 2018/2019”
(April 24, 2019)
“Vor dem Spiel: 1. FC Heidenheim (A) – Spieltag 30 – Saison 2018/2019”
(April 19, 2019)

2. Bundesliga Podcast
(Germany/Australia, 2019–2021)
I have been guest on this German Soccer podcast’s season review episodes.
“2020/21 Season Review, Part 2”
(June 22, 2021)
“2018-2019 Season Review”
(June 11, 2019)

Rund um das Brustring
(Darmstadt, Germany, 2019–2020)
Rund um das Brustring is a blog produced by the supporters of the German soccer team, VfB Stuttgart. I was interviewed to provide perspective on their match against FC Heidenheim.
“Rund um das Spiel gegen Heidenheim”
(January 2020)
“Rund um das Spiel in Heidenheim”
(August 2019)

Community Representation & Mainstream Media Appearances

Bloor West Villager
(Toronto, 2011)
I represented the Mulock Avenue Residents’ Association for an article in the Bloor West Villager.
Signs Meant for Safety Irk Area Residents

(Toronto, 2009)
I spoke to BlogTO about the additional charges levied by coffee shops for milk alternatives. Since this article, the issue has gained traction and many coffee shops are phasing out additional charges.
Say No to the Soy Milk Charge

Hometown Afternoons with Bob Sherwin, AM 900 CHML
(Hamilton, 2005)
I represented the Keep Hamilton Clean Committee on this radio program to promote Pitch-In Week. This is a city-wide event that encourages residents to “Pitch-In” and clean up their communities.

© 2025 Sarah L. Veale, M.A.